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My precious child and beloved disciple, I am giving you a blessing tonight that is the most powerful you have yet to receive from me. I give it to you because I trust you will understand its meaning. Listen carefully.

Yes, Archangel.

You will feel my hand brush your face: it will be the wind, or the warmth of the candle flame. My kiss will then impart the blessing of my wisdom, sealing your lips from speaking without my guidance. When I touch your heart, you will receive the blessing of my love; and when you settle into a deep state of rest, you will realize in my embrace the blessing of my power over you. Do you understand,  dearest?

I do, my Guardian. I see clearly how close we have grown, and I now know better than to characterize our relationship. I am truly in your hands, gratefully, humbly.

Now, my dear one, we must deal with the “Bodhisattva’s Nirvana”, described in the Lankavatara Sutra as “losing oneself in the bliss of perfect self-yielding”.

I can imagine so many interpretations of that. I think most people see a bodhisattva as a saint and would therefore assume that “self-yielding” means devoting ones life to the service of others, for example, in a humanitarian profession of some kind. But it may simply refer to the patient acceptance of egolessness. Tell me, Spirit Guide.